Au revoir my good Red Queen

“F*** the skeptics!”

I just heard that The Red Queen has passed after fighting cancer.. I’m pretty sad about that. The world was a far more interesting place with her in it.

Back in the misty-mists of time I ran across a lady from the US state of Oregon. This was in the bad-old days of Yahoo groups and Myspace. Somewhere around 2008 I think. I ran across a Yahoo Group. I don’t remember what it was called. UFOs and Skeptics – something like that. Supposedly it was for people who have UFO experiences (read abductees) and skeptics so people could exchange ideas. Hey! I was a skeptic! So I joined up.

The Lady from OR was one of the mods of the group. After a couple of posts I found out that she wasn’t interested in a balanced conversation. What she seemed to want was to, um “discipline” anyone who even mildly disagreed with her or was skeptical.

I mean, TODAY that’s not so unusual. There are plenty of web pages which solicit comments and allow commentator on the , um right side of an issue to utterly trash and insult people having an unpopular or opposing position.

Back in 2008, this was, to me anyway rather novel way of “finding the truth” and “exchanging ideas of unusual phenomena. Ideas were exchanged alright, but I found this was a one way exchange only. Her ideas to me – nothing more. I thought this was a pretty bad way to gain knowledge and discuss much of anything – and I told her so!

She responded –

‘I’m not so much interested in “debating” with the likes of you all anyway. Think of it as a game, I certainly do.” –We don’t care much what you think, you’re all just here for us to make fun of.”

I mean really!

She and I had a number of “debates.” after this outburst. I guess you could call them that. Some of them got so convoluted I noticed she responded and argued with her own posts thinking they were mine. The Yahoo post threading was kind of confusing.

Eventually, something happened with her job and she started accusing me of stalking her or whatever. I started calling her “The Red Queen” since she reminded me of  Lewis Carroll‘s antagonist. (Not the queen of Hearts, the other one.)

I did look her up and traced the work IPs she was using to hit this site over and over. I mentioned that to her once. Is that stalking? I honestly don’t think it is. Back in those days, people watched their web-page stats a lot closer than today.

Apparently she got fired from her education gig, and of course she blamed me.

She made it plenty clear that she wanted nothing to do with the Odd Empire, so I backed off and went on to other things.

Over the years I heard of her from time to time, from pretty interesting places too. Until now I’ve left her be.

Back in 2009 or so I wrote –

Chiefly; she’s not out to rip people off. Her convictions are sincere–honest even. Not many people in the UFO biz can say that. She’s not selling anything except what she believes, and it must be truly frustrating that not many people will believe with her.

I sincerely hope that the Red Queen can find whatever it is she is seeking—someday, somewhere. Far out in the galaxy of strangeness, she may find that there are many many others out here seeking the same things, just some go about it in different ways. Truth is not something that can be found through hating others or by a dogmatic belief system. Truth cannot be forced by repeating the same things and over again. Truth is something that changes day by day, that alters itself to fit a current reality.”

Truth is a wonderful thing, for those who find it, for those who have the courage to speak it.

She wrote in 2015;
I was asked today why I think UFO debunkers (and so-called UFO “skeptics” which really, are one and the same) do what they do. Why do they care so damn much about proving UFOs don’t exist? (They’ve gotten lazy; they don’t even bother. The subject isn’t even worth their time to mock, much. But still, they have at it, as any journey into the JREF will reveal.)

I remember seeing her on The James Randi Educational Foundation forum (JREF)  Let us just say that she didn’t have a very good experience there. I used to see her on Reddit as well.

As to her idea that skeptics “care so damn much about proving UFOs don’t exist?” Well; I’ve never met a skeptic who wants to prove they don’t exist. What most skeptics do is try to discover if an experience has enough hard evidence to suggest that something external to the experiencer has happened, then try to figure out what that something could be. This is in stark contrast to a lot of believers who, after seeing anything unusual will assist that they saw a spaceship from planet “Bitzzeko” and get angry if you even question them. ( I mean, it could have been a galactic cruiser from planet Hykooona. You never know!)

I suppose to folks with high strangeness experiences might think that skeptics are attacking their integrity. I don’t believe that is the intent of skeptical inquiry unless the person having the experience believes that their memories are unimpeachable, which of course is silly.

Memory, however is very impeachable and malleable. Psychology and Psychiatry have proven this over and over. This is why personal testimony is the worst kind of legal evidence in a court of law.

In the UFO biz it’s often the only form of evidence.

It’s a hard lesson to learn and alas, many-many people in the UFO “biz’ are unable to understand this. An experience may be important to you, the experiencer. Unfortunately you can’t use that as evidence of much of anything. I do sympathize, but I also dislike humoring people so as not to hurt their feelings.

Over the years, The Red Queen kept up a steady stream of UFO related articles in a number of magazines and web publishing. And blogs! She published many-many blogs! It was nearly impossible to keep up with all of them!

Here are some of Red Queen’s blogs, the ones she kept up over the years. There were dozens! Many more than this small list and for a while she kept them up. She was incredibly active on the Internet.

“So, we’ll go no more a roving
   So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,

   And the moon be still as bright.
For the sword outwears its sheath,
   And the soul wears out the breast,
And the heart must pause to breathe,
   And love itself have rest.

Though the night was made for loving,
   And the day returns too soon,
Yet we’ll go no more a roving
   By the light of the moon.”

Lord Byron (George Gordon)

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At least we are back on

Some time ago we got the bad news that, our original domain got left behind and snapped up by some scurrilous domain thief types who hooked it to advertising of all things. Well the scurrilous domain thieves themselves left the domain go vacant, we were watching and snapped it back.

So; Funseekers. Behold the old- new Oddempire at AND – also some others if my hosting service gets their way.

Oh and we have been hosting a music station on Shoutcast for some time now.

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A brief aside;

Aamir Ali Khan  · Follow · 

Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them.

Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information.

Keep a list of sites you never heard of. – Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines. – a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need. – access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols. is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries. – volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science. is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed. is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free.

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Official First Contact.

Or “Sandia Wisdom.”

“I am Cmd. Tlkm from P’ntl. My crew & I, The Sandia Mountain Information Station have come to teach telepathy, archeoplanetography and prepare You for Official First Contact.”

This is the web page of Su Walker, a psychic channeler who visited Albuquerque New Mexico (that place where Bugs Bunny failed to turn left.) There she decided that aliens sekretly built a vast alien base beneath the nearby Sandia Mountains. How she came to this conclusion is unknown.

Su is partly right about bases in hills surrounding Kirkland Airforce base. They did in fact hollow out a mountain just south of The Sandias. I’m pretty sure they were not aliens though.

Not Alien, just radioactive.

Su’s aliens are known as the P’ntl (pronounced Pon-tee) One is named Tlkm (pronounced Till-Cum) and Zoot, Nwhl and Tht and of course Radar (Radar wears hats.) I guess most of the aliens have no use for vowels. Except Radar, but he wears hats and you know what people who wear hats are like.

Su painted pictures of all of them! She knows what they look like and everything! Truthfully, she is a pretty good portrait artist – of little freaky bald aliens, I have no idea how she does with real people or “I dunno; fruit n’ shit.” Oh but the little freaky bald aliens are real! My bad! Even the one who wears hats.

After discovering that aliens hollowed out the Sandias. Su did what anyone would do. She bought a home there and started naming the “space brothers” who she was sure were in the vast alien base, and wearing hats.

Now, if the freaky little bald guys don’t happen to contact you, you did somehting wrong! You didn’t imagine hard enough or whatever. Since Su knows the freaky little bald guys and the one who wears hats are really real they will always contact you if you only believe HARD enough. Otherwise?

You suck!

Why is the base alien? Not because it’s inhabited by freaky little bald ETs with funny names. Because people have been living around the Sendia Mountains for a hundred years and nobody noticed any freaky little bald dudes digging out a vast alien base.

Su can get you in touch with the Pon-Tees. All you have to do is buy her book (for a nominal fee,) then do some hard mediation and imagine what it would be like for freaky little bald guys to contact you. That’s it!

Yeah-yeah. Whatever. Official First contact is yet another “channeled” alien contact site.

Whoa! They are wearing HATS!

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So Here we go – Scientology Again.

In the annals of strange and bizzarro stuff, Scientology is in a class by itself. Concocted in the 1950s by the ample imagination of Science Fiction writer l. Ron Hubbard it became a font for abuse and torn families world wide.

Scientology embarked on a campaign to recruit movie stars and TV personalities with the logic that they would be the best advocates for the so-called religion. This worked to some extent, what they didn’t understand is that it could also work in reverse if the movie stars left the organization. Scientology is nothing if not an organization shooting itself in the foot over and over.

Jilted and disillusioned member Leah Remini is a prime example.

She entered Scientology when she was eight years old, joined the Sea Org and signed a lifetime service contract. (sorry; A billion year contract.) Later her mom pulled her out of the Sea Org, but she remained a “public” Scientologists for many years. In 2013 she left the organization and began to speak out. Even going so far as to help produce an Emmy winning TV show called Leah Remini – Aftermath.,

It’s hard to know what effect this had on the organization, It’s pretty clear that they have massive problems recruiting in the US . After the Chanology protest in 2008-2009 and after the disaster of SouthPark revealing “This is what Scientologists actually believe”

This of course was a bit of hyperbola. Most Scientologists don’t really believe the Xenu story, or even know about it since one is supposed to instantly get pneumonia if you learn about him without paying Scientology around 400k. How that works exactly I have no idea! (Xenu knows!)

But Scientology has been under some stress lately. There was the Danny Masterson trial where he was convicted of raping members. The organization tried to cover this up of course. Scientology is the “most ethical group on the planet!” This is a two edged sort of declaration. It’s kind of like telling people to behave themselves. Everyone “behaves.” Everyone has some kind of ethics, they are not always good ethics you see. Scientology by defending Masterson have declared to the world that they are OK with criminal behavior by influential members. Not a very good look.

Of course; “not a good look” is putting it mildly for Scientology. Pretty much nobody outside the organization thinks highly of them or thinks much of them at all. Other than politicians getting bribes from the organization and police officers on the take.

However; in the mist of time, everything more or less can be waited out. Scientology as an organization is nothing if not patient. The problem with this is; there is always something new. Enter the so-called first amendment audits.”

Most people have smartphones which are telephones, computers and high powered video cameras, all in a compact form. Not only that. Smart phones have the ability to stream video in in real time to the Internet. This has resulted in a lot of people just showing up at crime scenes or police stations to “exercise their first amendment rights” to assemble and film whatever is going on.” Most of the time this has been about filming (and annoying) the police. There have been a lot of arrests by police officers mistakenly believing that filming theme in a public place is illegal. Well; Xenu knows that it’s legal in the United States! Other places, not so much.

How does this relate to Scientology? Well; it seems one of the street audit people (named “Street” strangely enough) started filming in front of the Scientology recruitment centers and witnessed the aggressive “body routers” (recruiters) there. Scientology of course responded in a negative fashion, which (surprise surprise) made “Street” pay even more attention to them and he started to interfere with the Scientology body-routing. Mostly by telling people that the Body Routers were lying to them and that Scientology was a cult.

This caused Scientology to react even MORE strongly. They started calling the LAPD, they started confronting Street and his growing group of protestors. They hired counter protestors and began infiltrating the group. They called in fake bomb threats. Of course this got the LA Streets group even more members and the protest became a nightly affaire with dozens of participants.

There are at least two groups in LA currently, there is one main group in Clearwater Florida comprising of about a dozen camara wielding streamers. Many of the protestors in Clearwater are Ex members! That’s certainly a new spin on this marry-go -round.

I mean it’s one thing when a protester makes and edits video of a protest. This is raw video streaming in real time. I’m pretty sure the Scientology Office of Special Affairs didn’t expect that.

I’m wondering how they plan to handle this kind of thing. Right now they are just hiding from the protestors and trying to make the protests as boring as possible. This is THE most effective tactic BTW, but it’s dead against Scientology doctrine. Scientologists according to their “scripture” (the murmurings of a 1950s pulp fiction writer) are supposed to confront any dissent and crush it. According to Ex member Mike Rinder;

 A Scientologist is nothing without excellent confront. The old Scientology tech dictionary lists four definitions for the word. 1. An action of being able to face. 2. The ability to be there comfortably and perceive. 3. Confront itself is a result and an end product. It itself isn’t a doingness, it’s an ability. 4. –v. to face without flinching or avoiding.

They are not flinching because they are just avoiding! This would be like a Christians not witnessing or a Mormon not riding a bike in a dress shirt, slacks and a tie. It’s UNTHIKABLE for a Scientologist to avoid confront. And yet, that is in fact what they are doing. When the ‘audit” protestors show up, they flee. The streets around their compounds empty out and become like a ghost town.

However; Scientology is like a broken record. They will react and they are reacting. Their Office of Special Affairs (OSA) is likely watching this closely. They are matching up names with faces. They are creating dossiers on protestors, finding their places of work, their families and friends. They will be sending PIs to do “noisy investigations.” Sending people around to their workplaces to inform their employers that they are “religious bigots” and how Scientology is a helpful, charitable organization.

“All of this has happened before, and it will happen again.” That being said. It is fun to watch!

— The Odd Emperor

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UFOs and the Charlatan Networks

The subject of unidentified flying objects has generated a great deal of speculation and generated interest from the public, governments and military organizations worldwide. Many people believe that there is a secret government organization dealing with unidentified flying objects. Some also believe that extraterrestrial life has visited Earth and interbred with humans, creating hybrid races. The experiences of the crew of the Argentine Air Force’s A-4 bomber in 1947 added to this mystery when they saw a mysterious object in the sky. Since that momentous night, many theories have arisen concerning the nature of UFOs.

First, let’s consider what a UFO is not. Many people believe that UFOs are spaceships from other civilizations. This belief is supported by the fact where people saw a UFO, they ran away with fear. However, spacecrafts do not cause fear; alien lifeforms do. Therefore, it makes sense to refer to these beings as aliens instead of spaceship aliens. The fact that UFOs seem to appear suddenly in modern times has led many to suspect that they are filmed projects created by a particular organization or group. Just as the American government once had Area 51, there could be an Area 52 where government scientists develop and experiment with alien technologies seized from fallen civilizations.

Folklore surrounding UFOs also draws from beliefs about extraterrestrial life in general. Many people fear being abducted by aliens or being part of a government conspiracy to hide the truth about UFOs. These are just two examples of how such people have reacted to seeing strange aircraft in the skies. Parked aircraft at an airport can also cause such reactions since they look like objects dropped from outer space to earth-bound humans. In addition, various TV shows like The X-Files make people think that their governments know about aliens and are in contact with them through secret bases on earth.

However, it is important to consider what factors make people fall for Charlatan Networks’ tricks- and why many believe in them despite evidence to the contrary. One popular belief holds that UFOs are technologically superior to anything known to humans; some even believe that aliens have conquered planet Earth at least once before and have their bases here now. Some believe that extraterrestrial lifeforms have visited Earth many times and have helped humanity develop new technologies- including flying machines powered by antihydrogen fuel cells. Some also believe that extraterrestrials have helped human beings spread across the universe through colonization efforts.

On the other hand, many people fear being part of a government conspiracy to hide the truth about UFOs- especially when pop culture treats these fears as valid while shoving alien conspiracies down viewers’ throats through television shows like The X-Files. The show centers around a group of FBI agents investigating alleged alien encounters on earth and how their government covered up proof of such encounters decades ago through Project Blue Book and other projects. Fans think that their government covers up evidence of alien contact on earth- including where human beings interbred with alien lifeforms thousands of years ago and created hybrid races now found throughout our global empire of cities spread throughout our global galaxy system.

Another thing to consider is how popular media creates new ideas for entertainment purposes but disregards any real value when analyzing UFOs or analyzing theories about them for research purposes. Popular media creates new ideas to attract viewers and make money; however, its purpose is to entertain people rather than educate them through truth or falsehood- no matter how much money it makes or how many fans it attracts. Thus, when analyzing popular culture’s ideas about UFOs or analyzing fans’ ideas through parody channels like The X Guy Show or online forums like Something Awful, one must keep in mind that these ideas are neither valid nor proven via any means whatsoever- except for perhaps corralling as many potential converts into joining one’s own fringe belief system or campfire circle of conspiracy enthusiasts before moving on to greater devious Charlatan Network schemes based upon one’s very real fears regarding those who might be conspiring against one’s very real welfare within one’s very real government apparatus against.

(this text was machine generated.)

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Conning the masses. How UFOs sell books by themselves.

(This was mostly written by a machine.)

UFOs are a popular topic in the media and among the general public. This is due in part to the fact that they are a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon. In addition, there are many people who believe that UFOs are real and that they have been visiting our planet for centuries. UFO books are a very terrestrial phenomena.

There are many different types of UFO books, ranging from those that focus on the history and sightings of UFOs, to those that claim to have inside information on the aliens that are supposedly behind them. Whatever their angle, these books usually have one thing in common: they are all trying to sell you.

Most UFO books have a very dubious relationship with reality. Many of the authors of these books have an agenda that goes beyond simply informing the public about UFOs. In some cases, the author may believe in what they are writing and are trying to convince others of the reality of the phenomenon. In other cases, the author may be more interested in making money off of the gullibility of the public.

Whatever the motivation of the author, it is important to be critical when reading UFO books. This is not to say that all UFO books are hoaxes, but many of them are. It is important to remember that just because a book is about UFOs does not mean that it is necessarily accurate or truthful.

There is a great distance between books about UFOs and real science. The vast majority of UFO books are not based on scientific research. They are often based on personal experiences or anecdotes that cannot be verified. In addition, many of the claims made in these books are not supported by any evidence. For example, some UFO books claim that aliens have been visiting our planet for centuries. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. In addition, many of the stories in these books are not based on eyewitness accounts, but are instead based on hearsay or second-hand accounts. UFO books are often more fiction than fact. Many UFO books are nothing more than works of fiction. They are often based on the author’s imagination rather than on any real evidence. In some cases, the author may even make up stories in order to sell more books.

It is important to be aware of the difference between UFO books and real science. UFO books are often full of unsubstantiated claims and stories that cannot be verified. Real science, on the other hand, is based on research and evidence.

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Health Impact News

Here is the place! If you feel a need to do your own “research” on how the Covid vaccine will kill everyone except the chosen few in the next year. Go no further than Health impact News! Of course the term “health impact” can go both ways. Health Impact News (HIN) seems less about ones health than debunking (or trying to debunk) conventual medicine. They are a source of “holistic” medical advice.

In what way do they debunk conventual medicine? For one thing, Covid vaccines are just a steaming pile of horse crap to Health Impact News.

There are more deaths and injuries following emergency-use authorized experimental COVID-19 vaccines in 20 months than have been recorded in VAERS for the previous 30 years following all FDA-approved vaccines. That’s not a very good repeat business model, when so many of your patients are dying and becoming crippled. And it is estimated that only 1% of all vaccine injuries and deaths are reported to VAERS, which would put the number of Americans injured by a COVID-19 vaccine at around 138 million, with around 3 million deaths.

Golly! 3 million deaths in the US? That’s more people than in the state of Oregon. One would think that somebody would have noticed! Or the 138 million injured. Seems strange though that in one breath they cite the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) and in the very next one they claim that the reporting of VAERS is 99% inaccurate! Of course they don’t really say where they actually got these statistics, certainly not from teh evil goobernment!

Of course they have a handy chart which proves all that they say! It says it’s from the August 2022 release of the (99% inaccurate) VAERS data, and they even have a link! Jeeprs!

Of course I followed the link to see this terrible spine tingling data myself! It lead to a very official looking page of National Vaccine Information Center . But wait one stray nanosecond! The National Vaccine Information Center. is not the same as the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System! I smell a big smelly rat!

The National Vaccine Information Center is in fact not connected to the US Government or the CDC. It’s a non profit devoted to telling people that vaccines suck! Just like Health Impact News!

So basically, Health Impact News seems to be an anti medicine/anti science web page that cites other anti science and anti medicine web pages. Oh goody! I love circular reasoning? Do you know why? Because I love circular reasoning!


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A man punched out an alien!

This is true! Unexplained Mysteries ran a story in 2017 about a man they claimed punched an alien in the face. Who was this super-man – who not only thwarted a broad daylight UFO snatch attempt, but socked the buggy eyed monster in the kisser!

BAM! Take that you thing from another world you!

John Mooner insists that he not only tried to hit an alien, but that he even has photographic proof. Mooner, who is from Devon in the UK, maintains that he has been abducted multiple times by extraterrestrial visitors over the last few years after experiencing periods of missing time

Eager to find evidence of this, he decided to look up his own house on Google Earth and discovered to his surprise an image of what he believes to be an alien entity attempting to take him away.

“The shocking thing about this was that it’s me being abducted by a grey alien and the satellite image clearly shows me trying to fight off the grey alien by punching it in the face,” he said.

“Looking at the image it appears that the alien has blocked my punch and has grabbed my fist and must of been able to subdue me. I was left speechless by what I saw.”

I’m kind of speechless too since I can’t make head – nor tail out of those pictures. I guess it’s some dude with his shirt off doing,- something. He might be punching an alien, he also might be f&^king an alien or just standing around, gardening, masturbating or doing almost anything!

This is the webpage of “Ufologist” John Mooner. I suppose he’s a UFOologist because he says he is. I suppose one doesn’t need any credential to be a UFOoligest. Hey I could call myself a Skeptologist! I’ve certainly been called worse! Well, he punched an alien so that must count for something. I’ve never punched a skeptic, although I gotten some wo-wos’ pretty mad at me from time to time. I gather that some of them would like to punch me!

So; even though John Mooner page might look like it was spat out of an old version of myspace, or a neater version of any one of Lord Rick’s web pages (as if there was a difference.) It must be significant since he punched an alien.

Monner is also the host of World UFO photos which is supposedly the largest repository of UFO photographs in the world. There are a lot of pictures there, none of them have any context, but there are a lot of them! That’s got to be important too!

Back to his original page, Mooner is the kind of person who bags an alien star cruiser every time he uses his camera. Sure they look like lens flares and out of focus birds. We know for a fact they are alien galactic cruisers. Why? Because John Mooner says they are! He punched an alien after-all!

Definably not a bird – NOT A BIRD!!

Of course he does the same on his BIGFOOToligist page, his USO page, his UFO porn page, the Rods and squiggly lights page, and of course his merchandise page. Not to mention his page on Medium which he adds to nearly every day!

Basically, John Mooner’s process for proving that a photo is evidence of aliens is thusly.
(1) Take a photo of a random part of the sky.
(2) Find any random dirt, blurry bird or insect or photographic artifact.
(3) Write a short essay on how it’s an alien.
(4) ????
(5) profit!

Whoa! Blobs!

He’s got thousands of photos of “aliens.” not surprising since John Mooner just goes outside with his collection of cameras and get’s “proof” that the sky above his home in England is full of aliens. Lucky him! Funny how nobody else seems to see all of the galactic cruisers fluttering over John’s head.

You know what though. I notice that all of John Mooner photos are blurry and indistinct. One would think that the premiere UFO photographer of our age could get some clear shots of intergalactic space cruisers, at least once and a while.

Bet you can’t!

The Odd Emperor.

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So; yes I went to Roswell!

Big deal you say? Not really Funseekers. It’s still there and it’s kind of boring to tell you the truth. Not that it means to be. This was the 75th anniversary of, well something happening near Roswell. The US Air Force claims it was a bunch of junk they were lofting on balloons to find out if the Russians were popping off atomic bombs or something. Why would anyone give a crap about that in 1947? How should I know? The history boffins say it was of vital interest to the US Government at the time and a big fat secret. But they all lie so there’s that!

Firstly I traveled to the Owl Café in sorta-nearby San Antonio New Mexico. The Owl Café is a notorious watering hole for the scientists and engineers who constructed the very first implosion bomb for the US. It was set off so close to the Owl Café that it probably broke some windows. It was also a hangout for some regular army people guarding – something that fell into the immediate area just after the first atomic bomb test, or so the story goes. More on that later, someday.

The food was OK, adequate is the way I’d put it. Nothing to write home about. The atmosphere was in that quant New Mexico ambiance, you kind of have to experience it to understand it. The US State of New Mexico is not Mexico, but it’s not really the United States either. Most people seem to think so. Perhaps the fact that New Mexico was part of Mexico for twice as long as part of the US might have something to do with it.

So- onward to Roswell. We passed through some very nice mountain townships, the Smokey the Bear town (Smoky is a NM native as it turners out.) Then into Roswell itself which is a rather smallish town with the remains of a huge US Air Force base with a huge jumbo jet boneyard on it’s Sothern end.

Otherwise, there are some nice restaurants, a few good bars and The International UFO Museum which is dedicated to telling and retelling the thrilling events which might (or might not) have happened here 75 years ago.

I got in for five American Bucks because I was a veteran, good thing they didn’t ask which war I fought in, they’d hardly believe it (despite this place being a museum of alien goings on.) I wandered into the most interesting part, the library which has a large number of books, magazines and multimedia stuff on all things woooish.

The main part was rather busy, a number of tables were set up and a bunch of self published authors with their self published books telling some kind of thrilling story. I didn’t bother to look since thrilling stories are a dime a dozen these days.


I wandered in and out some of the main street shops. Quite a lot of woo-woo brick-a-brac places.

The crucifixes over the alien in bed pretty much summed this place up.

Be well Funseekers!

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