by Whitley Strieber
Well; this review of The Four Mind is by the Odd Emperor.

That’s not Whitley pictured BTW.
OK; so I read too damn much. I’m reading a lot of Carl Jung. A bit of Tipler. When I heard of another page turner about aliens by Whitley Strieber, I just had to! You know, cuz aliens!
Boy was I surprised and not in a good way. You remember Whitley Strieber! He’s the author who wrote The Howling, Cat Magic and The Wolfen. Whitley ‘was’ a very good writer! Of fiction. Well of course, he still is – but then in the 1980s he wrote this thing.
I kind of like the alien with the sunglasses better.

I guess you could call this stuff “fictionist.” It sounds like fiction, but the author swears it’s all true!
Now; is Communion A True Story really a true story? It’s hard to tell since Streiber can’t seem to provide a smidgen of evidence. You know! Like actually producing one of the sunglass dudes for an interview.
(you know the old saw) One has to BELIEVE in the “Visitors” and they will…well visit you! Perhaps even give you an involuntary anal probe. They are pretty terrible, these Visitors.
(Not these kind)

Lizard people are SO 1980s!
Whitley would have you believe that he was visited multiple times by various aliens, or outsiders or, the dude with the sunglasses! They even made a movie! Not the alien visitors. Hollywood.

That’s not Whitley pictured either! It’s Christopher Walkins in a not so memorable role and an insane writer.

I have no idea who those guys are. Are they trolls, munchkins? Members of the Lollypop Guild? Inquiring minds want to know!
Now; frankly I enjoyed the books Communion and Breakthrough or whatever one or more of the sequels were called. Hey! Whitley made some money and and got good a parody on the X Files!

On the nose there Scully!
OK; so I had a guilty pleasure in the 1980s, reading about Whitley grooving with bug eyed whatchamacallits in his remote cabin in New York.
I mean; he portrayed his visitors as kind of mean. Not at all like the benevolent space brothers dreck of the past few decades. These Bug Eyed Monsters were nasty! They poop out of their skin and they smell bad. Their spacecraft looked like my Imperial shoe closet. It was cool! And you know – kind of real sounding.
Since then Whitley has been doing the UFO con circuit.
Now, for whatever reason, Whitley has written yet another tome about – not aliens this time it would seem. One could paraphrase this book as “Whitley Strieber watches far too much Ancient Aliens and had to write about it.”
His theses goes as such.
His Visitors are here to help us regain out lost special godlike powers that were flushed away during the Younger Dryas period. 12,900 to 11,700 years ago. You see; before the Younger Dryas, people could fly, were telepathic, had mystic powers that allowed them to teleport at will and they had high technology enabling them to build astounding edifices like the Pyramids. I mean; I guess all of those records the Egyptians left behind were fake. I suppose being able to levitate was useful when hunting mammoths.
We know from The Fourth Mind that godlike Humans built the Pyramids because those dirty Egyptians were far too weak and stupid. Just like Ancient Aliens has been trying to tell us!
It’s aliens all the way down!
What caused the Younger Dryas? Glad you asked. It seems that if a nearby star went nova and the resulting meteor storm destroyed the godlike civilizations, but not the primitive humans who were busily making stone tools and hunting mammoths at the time I guess. Or perhaps the mammoth hunting dude painting pictures inside of caves were the godlike humans. I’m a bit confused on that score. Why did they live in caves?Why did they hunt game with spears and not ray guns. Why did they build shining cities and then wear skins and sleep on the ground?
I thought the nova explanation by Streiber was a peculiar since the nearest star, Proxima Centauri is about three light years away. If it went nova, the light would take about three years to reach the Earth. The debris traveling far slower might take tens of thousands if not million of years to get here. I’d venture to say that Strieber’s explanation doesn’t make a lot of sense. How did the godlike civilisation know that a star had gone nova and since when does this result in lots of asteroids hitting the Earth and moon? Do novas produce asteroids?
Streiber mentions Coral Castle as evidence of his godlike humans. It’s down in Homestead Florida. This is a tourist attraction built in the 1950s by one Edward Leedskalnin who Strieber claims used super human powers to levitate the stones. I mean it makes sense, right? Some immigrant from Lapita couldn’t possibly move large objects with like, engineering or something! It has to be special magic alien powers! Edward’s story was covered in Ancient Aliens too!
In reality, Edward was kind of a genius savant, of engineering, not magical powers of levitation. Oh he levitated large rocks alright, using levers and counterweights that he constructed himself. There are eye witness accounts of Edward using nothing more magical than picks, winches, ropes and pulleys.
Hmmm; there seems to be a pattern here. One that is reflected in almost every episode of Ancient Aliens. That poor humans could not have done anything without aliens.
Streiber subtly alters this. He thinks that human beings of today are but pale shadows of what they were in antiquity. According to him, the Younger Dryas took away human god-like powers of levitation and teleportation, leaving them with some technological prowess, but not much else. Except for all of those mammoth eating cave people, I guess they were not really taking part in the awsom godlike human civilisation.
What I find interesting is, Streiber hypothesizes that his visitors are not really alien beings, but avatars of some kind. Disposable constructed automatons designed to interact with human beings for some unknown reason. Making humans into supermen once more is his theory. I guess this give purpose for Whitley and his alien visitor story. They want to restore godlike power to human beings for – some reason.
So I get the idea that Ancient Aliens is a compelling series. It tells avery simple story that humanity is just pawn race that can’t even hunt mammoths very well! (of course mammoths are extinct for some reason.) Aliens assisted or compelled humans to do just about anything! Again; It’s aliens all the way down. 20 seasons of Ancient Aliens is proof of something I guess.
Chris White would beg to disagree!
In reality. Ancient Aliens is just a popular conspiracy theory TV show. Just because it’s on the History Channel doesn’t make it history! Ancient Aliens is not history, it’s nonsense for the most part. And this nonsense fools people, people like Whitley Strieber and that’s unfortunate! Like I said, I think he’s a very good writer and has a great imagination. It’s too bad his imagination was apparently highjacked by a lot of popular conspiracy theory nonsense.
Whitley’s Webpage. The Unknown Country
The Odd Emperor